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đŸŽ„ On Demand Webinar: Client Retention with Jane

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Keep ‘em Coming Back For More!

Hey there, 👋 it was lovely chatting with so many of you during this webinar. We feel like we learned as much from you as you (hopefully) did from us! If you didn’t make it to the live version, we’ve got the whole replay ready for you right here. Ready, set, learn!

Before we dive in, let’s introduce our hosts

Ali is Jane’s co-founder and real-life clinic owner who knows just how tricky client retention can be. That’s why she’s so excited to chat with you about how Jane can help.

Meghan is one of our amazing Jane Trainers with a background in clinic management. Buckle in for some serious learning as Meghan discusses some of her favourite— and most underutilized— Jane features.

Catherine is one of our wonderful US Support team members. She loves helping people harness the power of Jane to keep their clients coming back for more.

We 💙 Client Retention

Do you ever feel like your clients are just sort of dropping off your radar? Or maybe you feel a little awkward about making those follow-up calls? Even if you’re just struggling to figure out who needs a reminder to rebook, this webinar is for you! We chat about:

  • How Jane can help you manage your client retention on a day-to-day, week-to-week, or month-to-month basis
  • Understanding Return Visit Reminders— how and when are they sent, customization, and more
  • Working with the Unscheduled Patient Report
  • Some hot tips from our Jane users on how they manage their client retention

In case we missed it

Here are some helpful resources to get Jane working on your client retention:

Our favourite thing about webinars is getting to hear from you!

đŸ€” Q & A

Here are some of the most commonly asked questions from the session:

Q: How can I personalize my Return Visit Reminders?

A: There are a few ways you can do this! From your Jane account, you can head into your Settings and find the Language tab. Now, scroll through the list of Customized or Standard Language until you find Return Visit Reminders (there are 2: Message and Details) and add your own customized message. To see how this will look to your clients, you can head into the Emails tab (in Settings) and choose Return Visit Reminders from the drop-down list.

If you want to get really personal, there is a text box where you can add a message to your client at the time you are creating the Return Visit Reminder.

Q: How can I tell if my Client received a Return Visit Reminder?

A: If you’re sending your Return Visit Reminders directly from Jane, you can head into the Patient/Client Profile and click on the Messages tab. Here, you’ll be able to see any Emails that have been sent from Jane and a bit about the status of that Email. For more on that, check out this guide on the Message Log.

You can also check the status of your reminders by visiting your Return Visit Reminders Report. You can scroll day-by-day to see a list of reminders sent, and those still due to be sent.

Q: Can I send automatic birthday emails from Jane?

A: The short answer here is no. That being said, our integration with Mailchimp allows Jane to pass along information on patients who have consented to receive promotional materials from you— including their birthday! To learn how you can check out this guide on sending automated birthday Emails.

đŸ”„ Hot Tips from the Jane Community

You’re all just so darn clever! We had to include some of your wisdom here:

“Filter the Unscheduled Patient Report”

Try filtering by one staff’s name for the last two weeks. This helps identify clients who need to be rebooked or discharged. -Michaela

“Don’t set yourself up for a phone visit”

Phoning clients to get them to rebook can be setting yourself up for a phone visit. To avoid that, make sure you lead with something like, “I only have two minutes right now before my next patient” and follow up by offering to book them in if they need to talk more about something. -Rick

“Engage clients with a call to action”

Customize what’s in the small text box of the Return Visit Reminder with a call to action like, “Reply directly to this email to book an appointment.” -Sophia

“Include personal details”

Use the text box in the Return Visit Reminders to reflect on key points from the last visit, ask how they’re doing (be specific!) and how things are progressing. -Kelly

“Suggest a specific appointment time”

Try giving a specific appointment time suggestion with your follow-up. For example, “In your last consultation, we had discussed rebooking in four weeks. Are you available on Thursday, July 7th, at two p.m.?” -Natalie

Want to chat about client retention?

Check out the jane.app Community Forum to see how community members are putting Jane to work. Or, give us a shout at the number below! We love hearing from you. If you’re not signed up yet, you can book a 1-on-1 demo with one of our lovely Support staff to see if Jane is the one for you.

Let’s keep the good times rolling

Are you a big fan of webinars? Us too! Feel free to check out some of the other webinars we’ve hosted.  

Extra, extra, read all about it! If reading works better for you, you can check out the transcript from Jane’s Client Retention Webinar right here.

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