Jane's Guide Here's all the help you need to use Jane.

Discounts and Price Adjustments

Let’s say you want to create or track special discounts or you treat clients on a sliding scale and you want Jane to remember their discount. In Jane, we call these Adjustments. Here’s how you can use them:

Create an Adjustment

To create a new type of Adjustment, a staff member with Full Access can head over to your Settings tab and choose Adjustments from the list on the left.

Click New Adjustment at the top right and then begin by labelling your new adjustment.

Adjustment Type

Override will completely replace the price of the treatment with whatever you choose as the override amount. So if you set a $25 override on a $125 treatment, the visit will now be $25.

Percent Discount will reduce the cost by whatever percentage you enter. So a 10% discount will drop a $100 visit to $90 and a $50 visit to $45.

Dollar Discount will reduce the cost by whatever dollar amount you enter. So a $20 discount will drop a $100 visit to $80 and a $50 visit to $30.

Provider of Discount

Clinic & Staff Member will reduce the price of this visit on the compensation report to the adjusted value. So if a $100 visit is reduced to $50 then the staff member will be compensated for $50.

Clinic Only will not reduce the price of this visit on the compensation report to the adjusted value. So if a $100 visit is reduced to $50 then the staff member will be compensated for the full $100 as if the full amount had been charged. This will also trigger the Provided by Company (Owed to Staff Member) line item to populate in your Compensation Report, to make note of this change, and what the clinic would owe the practitioner.

Adding the Adjustment or Price Discount to an Invoice

From the Schedule

To add an adjustment or discount to a treatment:

  1. Click on the appointment in your Schedule to open the Appointment Panel
  2. Under Billing Info click on the blue Adjustment button
  3. Type in the name of your discount and select it from the menu to add the discount to your treatment

💡Pro-tip: If you don’t remember the name of the adjustment or discount, you can hit the spacebar on your keyboard and Jane will populate a list of all the discounts and adjustments created under the clinic-wide settings.

Note All Adjustments are applied to the Pre-Insured amount. So if you are discounting a service, this discount will be applied to the price of the visit as a whole and then the insurer portion will be calculated. This is to ensure that insured percentages are being honoured.

From the Patient Profile

If the invoice is already created, you can add an adjustment or price discount by heading over to the Patient or Client’s profile, and then on the Billing tab within the profile. Jane will display a list of all the invoices created for them.

You’ll want to click on the word View to the far right of the desired invoice line:

From there, scroll down to the Adjustments section and type in the name of the adjustment or price discount:

Default Adjustments and Price Adjustments

Once your Adjustments and/or Price Discounts have been set up, you can assign it as a default to an existing patient profile. This way, the Adjustment is automatically applied to all upcoming appointments and purchases for this patient. This nifty feature automates a sometimes tedious task, saving your team some time from having to manually edit those invoices to give them a recurring discount.

Like a load off, right? 😌

To add a default Adjustment, head over to the Patients or Clients tab in the top menu, and then click the patient’s name from the left side. With their profile opened up, you’ll see a Default Adjustment heading on the lower right side.

Click +Add and choose the appropriate Adjustment from the list.

The Adjustment will then appear in the Billing Info section of the patient’s future appointments and generate those discounted invoices automatically.


Editing an Adjustment for a Specific Appointment

If you need to remove the Adjustment from a specific appointment, you can do so using the blue X next to the Adjustment name in the Billing Info section. Removing it from a single appointment will not affect future appointments if you have a default Adjustment set up for a patient.

At any point, you can also override the discount to a different amount: Once the Adjustment is applied to the appointment, you can click directly on the name of the Adjustment to open up an Edit window.

From here, you can change the type of Adjustment, the Value, and the Provider.


Find the Adjustment report in your Reports tab.

You can report on Adjustments by location, staff member and date range.

Helpful in finding out how much value you’ve given away through your different promotions or Adjustments.

Let us know if you need any further direction with working with Adjustments in Jane!

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can create adjustments?

Only a profile set to Administrative / All Billing or Full Access can create new adjustments in Jane. To learn more, check out Jane’s Staff Access Levels guide.

Who can change an adjustment?

To provide day-to-day flexibility, all staff members can “edit” the value of an adjustment once it’s added to an invoice. Any changes will only affect that one invoice though — to change the default settings of an adjustment, an Administrative / All Billing or Full Access user can go to Settings > Adjustments to modify it.

When should I use an Adjustment?

Adjustments in Jane can be used for things like:

  • Early bird rates
  • Special promotions
  • Friends and family discounts
  • Free services
  • Sliding scale pricing
  • Legacy pricing for existing customers

We recommend using Adjustments rather than manually editing the price of an invoice because you can more easily track these price changes with the Adjustments Report.

The provider of the discount was set to the wrong method by mistake, how do I change the settings?

If you need to modify how your adjustments are set up, you can do so under the Adjustments area in Settings, where we had originally set it up.

It’s worth noting that if you make a change to an adjustment from this area, this change will apply to any time this adjustment is added moving forward – but Jane has safeguards to protect previously generated invoices and as such, existing invoices will not be affected.

💡Pro Tip: If you need an updated Adjustment to be reflected on a previously generated invoice, you can remove the adjustment by clicking the “x” on the purchase and re-add it.

Are default price Adjustments applied to Group Appointments?

Yes, under one condition. If the Primary Client has a default price Adjustment on their profile (for example, a sliding scale arrangement), then that Adjustment will be applied to the cost of their Group Appointment. Price Adjustments on Secondary Clients’ profiles will not be applied to Group Appointments.

Of course, if you have any additional questions around discounts or adjustments that weren’t covered in this guide, feel free to reach out to our team directly!

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