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Box 25

Tax ID Number & Number Type

What’s in the box?

This box is looking for the federal tax identification number and number type (either a Social Security Number or an Employer Identification Number). This is the tax identification number (TIN) for the entity to be paid for the submitted services (typically the billing provider).

Note: this is one of the key pieces of information in a claim submission, as it helps the Insurer identify the billing provider. If it is incorrect or omitted, the claim will likely be delayed or rejected.

Where does this info live in Jane?

The Tax ID Number and Tax ID Type are typically set as location-specific defaults (such as for clinics that submit under one EIN). You can find this when editing a location under Settings.

If a staff member doesn’t bill under the same Tax ID number, you can also set Staff-specific Tax ID numbers within the Default Claim Information or an Insurance Specific Claim Information in that staff member’s Billing section of their Profile.

The Tax ID Type you choose will determine which option will be checked on the CMS1500. Your tax number should only be 9 digits, and it should only include numeric characters (no need for dashes or other symbols).

What about the EDI file?

The Tax ID and Tax ID type are sent in Loop 2010AA - Billing Provider Info

  • The Tax ID Type is sent in Loop 2010AA, Segment REF01.
  • The Tax ID is sent in Loop 2010AA, Segment REF02.

These are the Tax ID Types with their qualifiers in brackets: EIN (EI), SSN (SY)

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